

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 5 months ago




New Electrical system:

About two or three years after having the boat, it was getting ridiculous to keep the fuses in good order, and when something blew at night while camping, for whatever reason, it was really a pain in the rear to fix. Maybe because it was DARK? The solution was not a cheap one, but ever since we've never had any problems with the electrical, and the batteries now have a built in charger, DC breakers, a battery meter, and meter for current DC amps. In addition to rewiring all the electrical, we also installed a CD player with speakers, and a running tap water for the sink. As for the electrical, we got a Blue Sea Systems DC power panel, a 3 battery bank voltage meter, and a 100amp amp meter. Two additional batteries were purchased. I put two in the front hatch under the V-birth, and one in the rear next to the gas tank. This I realize now was not the greatest idea, and I'll be moving it soon elsewhere. The rear battery is to directly hook up the trolling motor for Lexington Reservoir, where we are not allowed to use the outboard engine. In the rear under seat compartment with the battery is also a 2 battery bank charger. I just pull out the cord and plug it into an extension cord to charge the batteries. As for my power usage, Im sort of a power hog. When I go camping on the boat, the laptop comes too, along with my Verizon wireless internet. I use it on vacation not for work, but for posting pictures to flicker, blogging and what not. It also gives me the option to go sailing somewhere distant from home on a weekend when I'm on call for work. In addition to replacing all the electrical, We moved the breaker panel location to above the sink wall. This provides for easy access from where I usually sleep (starboard side bunk) and made room for a battery selection switch where the original fuse plate was located.

New electrical panel located above the sink.Showing the panel above the sink, and other additions. Click on image to see notes on flickr.




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