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Toms2023c-Tiller Shaft

Page history last edited by Tom Harrison 17 years, 6 months ago

Repair of Rudder tube area

The next major issue regarding the rudder system was the wet and rotting wood under the nylon plastic plate at the through hull hole. The wood screws held in this part and allowed some water to get through the gelcoat and fiberglass in this area. I cut open the glass and took out all the wet wood.


#9 #10 #11 #12
IMG_7299.JPG P1010182.JPG IMG_7303.JPG P1010007.JPG
Will need to replace this part And grind out this mess Mess from another angle Chiseling out very wet wood


Next I had to create pieces of glass that would fit in the hole I made, and around the fiberglass tube in the middle. This was a bit tricky, but made possible with the use of a quilting tool seen in photo #20. I put layer after layer of glass tape and mat alternating every other layer or so to create a 1/2" thick filler made of solid glass in the region that was cut open. This new area will be sealed from water as the glass will not rot as the wood did.


#13 #14 #15 #16
P1010069.JPG P1010031.JPG P1010089.JPG P1010093.JPG
cutting glass to size Clean and ready to go Begin laying glass Still laying glass


The final step in laying and sealing the hole was to put a few layers of glass over the area repaired, just slightly larger than the hole cut. I had to grind out a bit of gelcoat to make room for this final seal.


#17 #18 #19 #20
P1010084.JPG P1010126.JPG P1010130.JPG P1010057.JPG
Mixing more epoxy sizing final overlapping layers Finished, will cut out rudder post hole when dry Very important glass cutting tool


After color matching some of the gelcoat, its extremely obvious that the boat's gelcoat needs some serious restoration.


#21 #22 #23 #24
DSC_2063.JPG -11    
Nasty gelcoat color difference  Re-Gelcoating in-progress    




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